have the wrong girl,” Bridget yells. Then she kicks him off her (yay go Buffy) and
runs. He follows and tackles her. They crash through the newly erected
wall where Bridget had hidden the gun.She grabs it. Shouts “I’m not Bridget,” He man lunges for her and Bridget shoots.
he falls, Bridget searches his pocket and finds a picture of Siobhan (with Siobhan Martin actually written on it).
Turns out her attacker wasn’t one of the mob boss’s men and it was Siobhan he was after all along. She is
Then a phone rings. From the view outside the window,
we can tell it’s ringing in an apartment in Paris.
Bridget’s supposedly dead sister picks up. We then here a man's voice saying “Siobhan, we have a problem,”
And here would be the last EastEnders Duff Duff of the episode.
Wow what a lot to cram into one episode, but it didn't get boring it was just one problem / mystery after another. Yes from seeing the trailers I knew that Siobhan wasn't really dead but it was still exciting. What's the rule for dead people on TV? If you don't see the body then they are not really dead.
And so many reasons to watch the next episode: -
What is Siobhan up too?
Will Bridget get found out?
What will she do about the pregnancy?
Will Gemma find out who her husband is having the affair with.
I had to watch the next episode straight away when I was watching it by myself a couple weeks ago and also last night when I watched it again with my partner we had to watch the next episode straight away.
I think Ringer is becoming on of my favourite TV Shows already and looking forward to writing many more reviews.
This Blog is for my reviews on travel, films, TV Shows and anything else I have an opinion on and want to share
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 10 - Spoiler Alert
That's What You Get Trying to Kill Me
After another intriguing episode of Ringer I'm left with one lingering question (yes another question)... but I'll get to that. "That's What You Get Trying to Kill Me" left me with numerous inquiries but it's the one toward the end that's the problem.
Malcolm tells his suspicions about Charlie to the police. They search the house but Charlie has moved Gemma.
Bridget plays Nancy Drew. Bridget and sidekick Malcolm believed that Gemma was locked in Charlie's basement just because he had a lock on the door. Gemma's been missing for weeks. There's been no ransom demand. I know they want to think the best but finding her phone seemed to point to Charlie as her killer more than her kidnapper. The fact that they never mention the thought that she might be dead seemed odd.
This left me with the question, why is Gemma still alive? What was the point of having Charlie abduct her? Did Siobhan know she knew about the Bridget/Siobhan switch and wanted to keep her quiet? If so, how did she know? Also, weren't there easier, less bloody ways of doing that? Like Charlie said, I'd hate to see how Siobhan handles her enemies if this is the way she treats her friends.
Charlie tells Siobhan he is done with her game. He tells Bridget he has Gemma and wants a $250,000 ransom. Bridget doesn't question why he has had Gemma for so long and has only now demanded a ransom. I know I would have to ask more questions.
Bridget and Andrew go to drop off the ransom but the police are tailing them. Henry called them when he grew suspicious of Bridget. Charlie sees the police and shoots Gemma instead.
Somehow Gemma survives. Charlie must be a really bad shot, he was standing a foot away from her when he shot her. How did he miss? Didn't he used to be a cop? Gemma hits Charlie but he gets up. Just before he kills her he tells her that Siobhan, not Bridget is the one who is responsible for this. Again, what was the point? Why keep her so long just to kill her and why did he miss the first time he shot her just to kill her 5 minutes later? I really didn't get the point of this. If he missed the first shot surely it would have made more sense for Gemma to have gotten away?
Henry's three steps behind. Or at least it always seems that way. Unfortunately, when he finally started to catch up, his actions got Gemma killed. Well, they certainly got her shot.
Henry's call to the cops prompted Charlie to shoot her but then by some miracle she survived and was able to hit him. So when he spoke and she knew he was still conscious, why not hit him again? And maybe a couple more times for good measure instead of pleading for his keys? You'd think she'd want to beat him senseless and then run.
Siobhan flies back to New York and confronts Charlie. When they fight, she shoots and kills him. The police think Charlie killed Gemma, then himself. Well at least this story got Siobhan back to New York. What will happen now? Will see let people know she is back and Bridget has been pretending to be her? Will we find out why she left in the first place?
Siobhan tells Tyler that the baby she's carrying is his and that Andrew beats her. She fakes a black eye to 'prove' it. Not quite sure what the point of this is yet. Maybe he caught her off guard or maybe this is all part of her plan. I wish she would hurry up and let us in on what her plan is.
Juliet's crush on her teacher continues to grow. He becomes angry and tells Juliet they need to talk in private. Later, Julie tells her friend that he raped her. Very unrealistic. When I did my teacher training we were specifically told not to put yourself into a situation like this. If a student starts coming onto you you definitely don't ask the other students to leave the room so you can be alone.
Juliet has been on a predictable path. So Juliet's big storyline is her twisted crush on her teacher. They've been telegraphing the build up to this story for weeks and I was tired of it almost before it began. Couldn't they find something more interesting to do with the show's only teenager?
So now the question becomes, is Mr. C some psycho rapist attacking young girls or is Juliet looking for revenge for getting rejected? however, like I said it doesn't seem realistic, but then everyone on Ringer seems to have secrets and a plan so why not either Juliet or Mr C.
Another one of Machado's informants is murdered. She was played by Buffy's Amber Benson. Great actress and completely different to Tara in Buffy. It would have been nice to see her act again with Sarah Michelle Gellar and maybe not get killed off so quickly. This time Machado catches the mole Makawi has in the department. Which obviously turned out to be Jimmy (who is also working with Siobhan).
Yes Machado's back. I've missed him. But with him came another dead stripper / informant. Perhaps Bridget was right to run. It doesn't appear that Agent Machado is very good about keeping the people around him safe. Perhaps finally capturing one of Makawi's moles will help.
At the end of this episode, I was left with that lingering question. What's the point? Why keep Gemma alive only to kill her now (and take two goes at it)? Why have Charlie tell her Siobhan is still alive only to kill them both? Why is Siobhan trying to convince Tyler he's her baby daddy? But, most of all, why did Siobhan start this whole mess to begin with? I'm still really interested and can't wait to see the next episode but I am starting to wish that some questions will start getting answered rather than each episode just creating more questions.
Ten episodes in and I still don't have a clue why all of this is happening.
Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 9 - Spoiler Alert
Shut Up and Eat Your Bologna
"Shut Up and Eat Your Bologna" had some twists I didn't see coming. Let's break then down:
Andrew plans to take Bridget away on vacation. Olivia is upset he won't stay and try to get Gemma's rich father's business.
Bridget visits Siobhan's therapist. The therapist asks her why is she calling herself Siobhan Martin. My first thought was what does she know and how does she know it? But it just turned out that Siobhan called herself Cora when making appointments. Bridget finds out that Siobhan was on medication for paranoia. The therapist's notes say Siobhan thought she was being stalked.Bridget realises that she is falling for Andrew. Well, who didn't see that one coming. He's been sweet and kind. He's rich and appears to be a good guy. He dotes on her if she lets him. I don't know how he treated Siobhan but Andrew has probably treated Bridget better than any other man in her life. Plus he buys her beautiful things and offers to take her on exotic vacations. What's not to like? Also, from the way they have been treating each other I am starting to think that if Siobhan did come back (and he can look past Bridget lying about who she is) he would probably prefer to be with Bridget rather than Siobhan.
Bridget gives Charlie the gun she's been hiding and asks him to dispose of it. He calls Siobhan to let her know. Surely it can't be that difficult to get rid of a gun yourself? Not that I have ever tried.
Gemma's alive! I've been wondering how they were going to play this. We discover that Charlie is holding her hostage in his basement in Brooklyn. I like Gemma and was hoping they'd bring her back so I'm not disappointed but there was a lot of blood at that crime scene. How did she survive her attack with no medical attention, being held in a basement, and fed a diet of bologna.
Malcolm uncovers Charlie's lies and realises that Charlie isn't who he says he is. He finds proof that he is actually John Delario and tells Bridget.
Malcolm breaks into Charlie/John's place in Brooklyn and just misses finding Gemma when Charlie comes back.
As happy as I am that Malcolm has more of a role than being tied to a chair (is it sad to say I assumed he was the one Charlie was holding in the basement?) I'm still not connecting with his character.
Bridget certainly needs a friend to talk to so we know what's going on in her head but I'm simply bored with all of the Malcolm scenes. I was hoping he'd find Gemma and liven things up but no such luck.
Olivia visits Henry and tries to get his father in law's number from his cell phone when she stumbles across a compromising picture of him and Siobhan. She e-mails the photo from his phone. This didn't seem very realistic to me. She finds the photo in the middle of his every day photos and photos of his children. Surely if you were having an affair you would hide the photos a bit better than that? But then I guess this will now make an interesting story line and Olivia wont be such a pointless character.
So Olivia has got the photo. Olivia would willing blow up Andrew's marriage to close a deal. Of course it doesn't hurt that she hates his wife. I'd preach that all pictures should be destroyed after an affair's over or like I said above, at least hiding and not next to photos of your children, but poor Henry was hoping for a reconciliation up until last week. Still, if Gemma doesn't turn up soon this won't look good for him either.
I'd hate to see Andrew get his heart broken but I can't imagine what story Bridget will weave to get out of this one. Of course that doesn't mean she won't have a good one.
Jimmy works for Siobhan? Who I hear you asking. Jimmy was the FBI agent in episode 1 that was protecting Bridget and he ended up tied up in the bathroom with his gun missing. Seriously, this is the one I find hardest to believe. Siobhan paid off the FBI agent protecting her sister in order to get her to run. Why would Siobhan have this kind of reach? What's her overall plan and how many people are involved in this conspiracy? It's all become so complex and again raising more questions than answers but it keeps me glued to it
Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 8 - Spoiler Alert
Maybe We Can Get a Dog Instead?
Okay, after last week's episode I had a theory about Bridget being pregnant with Malcolm's baby but once I saw the title of episode 8 I knew that wouldn't be the case. 'Maybe We Can Get a Dog Instead' that is obviously something someone would say when they found out that they wouldn't be getting a baby. My money is was on Juliet saying it and I was right.The ultrasound shows Bridget isn't pregnant. The doctor assumes it was an ectopic pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage. Andrew is upset and even Juliet is sympathetic while Bridget hides her relief.
Henry admits he'd hoped the baby would give him a second chance with Siobhan. Now he's done.
Angry, hurt, confused. That describes all of the men of Ringer this week. Bridget and Siobhan had the boys spinning out of control.
Dodging a bullet. That was exactly what Bridget did with that ultrasound. When the doctor wrote it off as an early miscarriage, Bridget could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for the other people in her life. Granted, Juliet wasn't heartbroken but she was sad. There's something missing from their lives and she was hoping the baby could fill that gap. "Maybe We Can Get a Dog Instead?" No one could say Juliet wasn't flexible.
The two men in Bridget's life took the news hard. Henry finally gave up on Siobhan when his hope for a second chance died with the supposed baby. But Andrew wanted to try again. Wouldn't it be interesting if Bridget said yes? That would be quite the complication if/when the truth comes out. However, for the time being she doesn't want to try again.
Tyler (the real Siobhan's boyfriend) flies to New York for a meeting with Andrew. He sees Bridget and is furious. He mistakes her for Cora (aka Siobhan) and thinks she's playing him. He breaks up with Cora (Siobhan) over the phone and kicks her out of his hotel. This completely messes up Siobhan's plan (whatever that actually is). She wasn't expecting Tyler to bump into Bridget. Are you managing to keep up with everyone's name and who they are pretending to be? Bridget / Siobhan and Siobhan / Cora.
Mistaken identity gone sideways. I never saw that one coming. I guessed that Tyler had some connection to Andrew, since he has papers with Andrew's company's name on, and this was why Siobhan was cozying up to him but who thought that that connection would run him straight into Bridget? However, he didn't realise that there was two of them. He had just left Siobhan (Cora) in Paris and bumped into Bridget in New York and assumed that they were the same person. But I guess you can't really blame him for that.
So Tyler believed that his new girlfriend was jumping back and forth between continents to sleep with him. If the twins weren't dead ringers for one another I'd say he thought an awful lot of himself. I suppose there are only so many explanations and the truth wouldn't be the first thing one would think of.
Machado has Bridget wear a wire and meet with Malcolm but she manages to warn Malcolm and Machado learns nothing.
Malcolm can't control his need for heroin and asks Bridget for help. She brings him to Charlie, her new sponsor and Siobhan's right hand man.
Malcolm can't win. It looked like Malcolm was sticking around and he needed help. Unfortunately, Bridget's help could bring them both down. She just introduced the junkie who knows all of her secrets to her new sponsor and Siobhan's right hand man. What could go wrong?
I have to say that Andrew was very understanding about Malcolm. At heart, Andrew seems like a good guy. So what deep dark secrets does he hide that sent Siobhan running to another continent? The more we see of Andrew the more he appears to be a nice guy. So far I haven't even thought of a theory as to why Siobhan had an affair with Henry and then left both of them for Paris and went to so much trouble to cover her tracks.
Juliet has a crush on her teacher. Of course she does and we all know that this is going to end badly.
Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 7 - Spoiler Alert
Oh Gawd, There's Two of Them?
Oh my god there was a big shock right at the beginning of this episode but unfortunately my surprise and excitement didn't last long.
At the start of the episode the police take Andrew, Henry and Bridget (as Siobhan) in for questioning about Gemma. Andrew and Henry both get shown a photo of Bridget and are asked if they know who it is. We then go to a split screen shot and we see both of them answer at the same time "Bridget Kelly".
Wow, I actually thought oh my god they both know about her. What is going on?
But then straight away we see a flash black to the day before where Bridget (as Siobhan) tells Andrew and Henry about her twin sister, Bridget Kelly in anticipating of the police hauling in all three of them in for questioning about Gemma's disappearance.
Still interesting that they finally know about Bridget but I thought that we were in for another exciting twist and I was slightly disappointed. However, it isn't that often I am disappointed with Ringer.
Every week on Ringer, Bridget Kelly dances faster and faster, trying to keep up with her web of lies, and I am just about keeping up with them all. But it may be too late now.Finally Bridget (as Siobhan) has to tell everyone that she has a twin she's been hiding. Juliet's reaction was perfect. "Oh Gawd, There's Two of Them?" Other than that, Juliet really didn't care. She had a party to get to.
Agent Machado announces that Malcolm is missing and Makawi is most likely involved. Bridget is heartbroken as she remembers their one night together. Nice to finally see a bit of Bridget's and Malcolm's past.
Juliet's friend gets drunk at a party and Juliet drives her home with only her learners permit and she has also been drinking. She gets into an accident but isn't hurt. Andrew is furious and freezes her trust fund.
What was Andrew thinking when he said Juliet could run off to Connecticut with her new friend? Seemed like a lot of trust to place in a girl who really hasn't earned any lately. I gave him some credit for at least calling Monica's parents but Juliet finding trouble this weekend was a given.
At least he finally took away something the girl really cared about. The money. That certainly got her attention. Not that she'll starve but life without her limitless credit cards should be more interesting.
Henry didn't seem bothered by the news of Siobhan's twin. I suppose he had other things to worry about. For once, he actually seemed concerned about his missing wife. Nevermind that he cheated on her for months and then destroyed all evidence of her abduction to supposedly save his mistress. Now that Gemma might be dead, he's realised what he threw away. Too little too late.
Bridget tells her sponsor, Charlie that she is Siobhan Martin and asks him to check on Gemma's car at the airport.
Charlie calls the real Siobhan in Paris. They are working together. Charlie attacked Gemma and cleans up his blood from Gemma's car. I knew that something wasn't quite right with Charlie and I seem to always be suspicious of everyone in Ringer but I didn't see that one coming.
Poor Gemma. It appeared as though she might truly be dead. I know that was a lot of blood in the house, but somehow I had hoped she'd survived. However, from the looks of that fight with Charlie, it seems unlikely.
Why was Bridget trusting Charlie with so much information? I know he's her new sponsor but he's also a former addict and in the scheme of things she's known him for all of 10 minutes. I suppose she had to ask someone for help and Charlie had the police connections she needed... but talk about a bad call.
Who the heck is this guy anyway? How is he connected to Siobhan other than he now appeared to be her hired henchman. Now that Charlie's covered his tracks, will Siobhan set up her sister for murder? I really want to know why Siobhan has done everything she has done but I guess we have to keep waiting for answers. Ringer seems to like creating questions rather than providing answers.
Malcolm escapes for Makawi's men and heads to New York. When Bridget sees him she passes out.
Malcolm got away from his captors, only to find out they're following him in hopes of tracking down Bridget. So what does he do? He heads straight for her! How could he be certain he still wasn't being followed? No good can come of Malcolm being in New York.
And couldn't Malcolm go to the cops, tell them he was kidnapped and tortured by Malawi? It's not a murder case but it could still put the bastard behind bars and buy Bridget some time. Just a thought.
At the hospital, Bridget awakens to a concussion, a worried Andrew and finds they are about to do an ultrasound on the baby. After seeing the flash back to the night that Bridget and Malcolm spent together one thought that crossed my mind is that it will turn out that Bridget really is pregnant and that Malcolm is the father. That would definitely add in some more twists.
The person I felt for the most this week was Andrew. First his newfound trust in his wife was put to the test when he found he'd been married five years and never heard about her twin sister. Now that twin may have something to do with the disappearance of their good friend. His daughter's troubles continued and, to top it off, he's about to learn the baby that now means everything to him doesn't exist. Ouch. That's assuming that my theory of Bridget being pregnant with Malcolm's baby doesn't happen.
The ultrasound will probably show that there's no child or at least no heartbeat, but could it show she was never pregnant? Could Bridget get lucky and possibly have this written off as a miscarriage? Or will the truth come out? I don't know how Andrew will deal if he's hit with one more lie. How fast can Bridget spin a new tale if this all goes wrong? I can't wait for next week to find out.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 6 - Spoiler Alert
The Poor Kids Do It Every Day
Well I have got up to episode 10 of Ringer and I am only now writing the review for episode 6. Ringer has had me so glued that I have been watching episodes rather than writing about them.
Well episode 6 is another Ringer episode of head-spinning and question-asking: What was Bridget thinking? What was her game plan? To me she seems to do a lot of things in the heat of the moment without thinking them through.
"The Poor Kids Do It Everyday" featured Henry bleaching down his walls as Juliet started her first day at public school. Perhaps they were both looking for a fresh start. I still do not understand Andrew's logic in sending Juliet to public school to keep her out of trouble.
Henry cleans up the blood and throws the broken vase and bloody rags in a dumpster. Then he leaves Gemma's car at the airport.
Henry's idea about leaving the car at the airport seemed like a particularly bad one. At some point they're going to find it and then they're going to check all of those security cameras they have at JFK International and guess what they'll see. It could be the nail in his proverbial coffin.
He accuses Siobhan (Bridget) of killing Gemma. She denies any involvement. Eventually he believes her and tells her where he stashed the evidence.
I was shocked when Henry tried to turn everything around on Siobhan. Did he really think he was saving her when he was mopping up his wife's blood? Does he love Siobhan that much or was he simply covering his own back? If you are going to go to that much trouble covering for someone who you think committed murder you would at least make sure that they were actually guilty in the first place otherwise you just make yourself look guilty.
For Juliet's first day of school, I couldn't believe Andrew didn't make her change her top, too. It was just as fabric-challenged as the skirt. But again, I was thinking if she was still in private school then you wouldn't have that problem she would be in uniform.
Juliet is bullied at her new public school. Another girl starts a fight with her but no one will stick up for Juliet. Even her father believes she's in the wrong.
Juliet's teacher lies for her, accusing the other girl, Tessa of starting the fight. He says he knows what Tessa is like and believes Juliet deserves a fresh start.
Did anyone else question her new teacher's helpfulness or am I too suspicious? Was he trying to be a nice guy and give her a new start or was he looking to take advantage of the poor little rich girl with daddy issues and this was the first step? Call me a cynic, it just doesn't seem right. A teacher wouldn't do that unless he is someone who can't be trusted and lets face it, this is Ringer after all and from past experiences I would question pretty much everyone.
Agent Machado searches for Malcolm. They search Makawi's strip club but Malcolm has been moved (of course he has since they had to go away and get a warrant so obviously giving them time to move him).
I know I've probably said it before but I've grown tired of Malcolm's storyline. This was the third week we've seen Makawi pump him full of drugs. If there's a point, I wish the show would get to it. I don't really get why he would put up with so much for the sake of protecting Bridget? We haven't seen enough of their past to understand why he would go through all of this.
Elsewhere, Charlie is still a mystery. Bridget's new sponsor is the wild card in this conspiracy. I'm still not sure how he figures into all of this, but there's clearly a lot going on here. Stay tuned. Stay guarded.
Bridget leaves an anonymous tip for the police telling them which dumpster to look in. I was beginning to think that Gemma set up Henry but they have two kids. That would be really cold and cruel. Then, when they found Bridget's fingerprint I was wondering if Gemma set them both up. But Bridget left the print. She purposefully left her own fingerprint on the broken vase leading them to look for Bridget. The first time I watched this I didn't understand why she would do this but the second time I realised that Henry was the only suspect and as Henry pointed out how long would it take the cops to find out about him and Siobhan if they looked into it. So Bridget was trying to protect her new life. Although, I am not sure if this was the best way to do it because if they eventually find out that she is Bridget and not Siobhan she has now implicated herself in a disappearance / possibly murder.
So... is Gemma really dead? Did Siobhan have her killed and, if so, to what end? What the heck happened and how long will we have to wait to find out? Whatever the answers, I grow more intrigued with every episode.
That's what Ringer often does: leave you wondering. And guessing. And waking up at random hours of the night with new theories about what's going on.
Also, I am so glad that once I got to episode 10 the first time round I made my partner start watching it with me from the beginning because the second time round I am noticing things I didn't the first time. Also, my partner has different theories about it than me which gets me thinking and asking even more questions.
Mistresses - US TV Series Review - Series 1, Episode 4 - Spoiler Alert
A Kiss Is Just a Kiss?
Yes I am still going with Mistresses but I still don't think I like it but it's something to watch once a week while eating breakfast. I think I have only stuck with it this long because it happens to be on a day when there isn't anything else on.
So, here we go: -
Savi finds out that she is officially pregnant. This would be good news if only she could be sure who the father is. There’s a chance her co-worker is the father. This was such an obvious storyline from the minute we found out her husband had a low sperm count and she slept with Dominic. I guess the one good thing about this storyline is that it cannot be dragged out with her pretending that it is her husband's baby since Harry is white and Dominic is black.
Speaking of Dominic, Savi needs him to cover for her at work. That should be easy since he’s been preparing for the case in question for a year before getting the boot. The reason Savi was a no-show in court is because she’s getting info about paternity tests. The doctor lets her know there’s a non-evasive DNA test that will determine the baby’s father. All she needs is a hair sample. I guess this is something quite new and maybe only available in the US because I have never heard of it here in the UK. Story lines like this get dragged out until the baby is born.
Savi tells her boss that she missed court due to a 'personal reason' so her boss boots her off the court case. I have no idea why she didn't say for a 'medical reason' he may have been a bit more understanding.
She still doesn’t want to be around Dominic even though he desperately wants to talk to her. Later, Savi asks Harry if he’ll always love her. After all, that was the arrangement when they got married. Harry assures his wife that they are past all their problems now as they give each other a passionate good morning kiss. Then Savi sneaks away to swipe Harry’s razor blade for the DNA test.
Joss is becoming very chummy with her lady-loving client, Alex and they go out for a run together. I don't know how things work in America but over here a real estate agent would never invest so much time in someone like Joss does with Alex. If someone doesn't buy a house quite quickly then the real estate agent will assume that the person is a time waster and not bother with them.
Joss is shocked to learn that Alex was once into guys. Joss admits that she has been in threesomes, but has never had a girlfriend. She also says that she has never had many “girl” friends either because she tends to sleep with their boyfriends. Again, I don't get why a real estate agent would have such a personal conversation with a client?
Alex’s girlfriend Sally, thanks Joss for keeping Alex busy and says that looking at houses gives Alex something to focus on and something to do and subsequently they have been arguing less. Sally tells Joss that initially she didn't have any intention of buying a house, this was all just to give Alex something to do but then says she may consider buying one if Joss shows them the right one. So Sally has basically just admitted that she has been wasting Joss's time but does Joss stop spending time with Alex? No she doesn't.
They attend a lesbian party together. Joss tries to be a good wing-woman when she poses as Alex’s girlfriend. She plants a kiss on her gal pal. This makes Alex very uncomfortable. She rushes out of the party. I have no idea why Joss thought that this would be a good idea. Alex is a client who you are trying to sell a house to and she has a girlfriend! Completely unrealistic storyline.
Harry makes Joss an “I’m sorry you lost your friend three-cheese grilled cheese.” It may be the saddest-sounding sandwich ever. Looks tasty though. Joss is about to chow down when there’s a knock on the back door. It’s Alex. She’s in tears after breaking up with Sally. She didn’t know where else to go. Alex spends the night. Joss says she can stay there as long as she wants. Alex lets her know that she’s a good friend. This brings a smile to Joss’s face. Again how unrealistic??? You break up with your girlfriend and the only place you can go is to your real estate agent? I just think this whole situation with Joss and Alex is stupid.
Anyway, moving on. Karen finds Sam Grey’s wallet on the floor of her car. She just can’t get away from this kid, but then she doesn't seem to be trying very hard either. Sam invites Karen into his dad’s old pad when she swings by to return the wallet. He shows her the reason he dropped out of college. It’s a camera that his dad bought for him. He believes that he was meant to be a photographer. Sam’s dad left him a note about pursuing his passion. Karen believes the passion Thomas personally found was her. She can see her former lover as clear as day in the form of his son as he makes something to eat. Karen decides to stay for dinner. Again, what is she doing? She says she wants nothing to do with him but now she is having dinner with him again.
Karen reveals that the reason she’s being so nice to Sam is because she feels like he needs someone. He could say the same thing about her. The two of them get very close to each other while reaching for some glasses. Karen’s mind is racing. She fakes an excuse to leave, but Sam plants a kiss on her before she can escape. Karen pulls away after a beat before hastily exiting the apartment. A frustrated Sam pushes the lovely dinner setting onto the floor. Again the question that springs to mind is why did she put herself in this situation in the first place?
Now we get to the one story line that I was interested in in the first place but now even this story line is getting ridiculous and unrealistic. Bob Johnson is an attorney representing Miranda. He shows April a file proving that her dead hubby is little Scotty’s biological dad. April says that she never asked for proof. Why not I have no idea, I would have definitely wanted proof. Miranda wants child support otherwise they’ll go to court. April doesn’t want to put her daughter through that. She meets with Miranda, who claims Paul was going to end his marriage. Their conversation ends abruptly when Scotty gets hurt. The two ladies rush him to the ER. Miranda doesn’t have any insurance so April covers the cost.
April waits around to make sure Scotty is okay. He is. Miranda says this whole thing would be a lot easier if the woman she’s trying to get money from wasn’t such a good person. April is starting to believe that Miranda may not be as horrible as she originally thought. She’d be wrong about that one. Miranda pays off her alleged attorney in cash. The guy’s not a lawyer at all. He’s an actor. Miranda didn’t want to use a real attorney because they ask too many questions. Uh oh.
The question that springs to my mind is why is April considering settling this out of court? Her best friend is a lawyer who could quite easily sort this out for her but for some reason April seems to want to deal with it on her own.
Yes it makes it slightly more interesting that Miranda hired an actor instead of a lawyer, what is going on? But god knows why April is just accepting everything. Your best friend is a lawyer for goodness sake!
Oh well I guess I will wait and see what stupid things happen next time
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Mistresses - US TV Series Review - Series 1, Episode 3 - Spoiler Alert
Breaking and Entering
Well I am still persevering with Mistresses, I have made it up to episode 3 but I still don't think its a programme for me, but by the looks of it there are only 9 episodes so I may as well keep going and see if it gets any better. However, I did actually laugh once during this episode.
So, here we go, Savi has been spending lots of time away from the office and lots of time in bed with Harry. Her MIA status at work has Dominic upset because the legal case that could put them both on the partnership track just got pushed up. They’ll need to log a lot of late nights at the office. This could be a problem for Savi, as she can’t stop staring at Dominic’s flexing forearms. A short time later, the two of them are making love as Harry steps into the room from behind. Thankfully for Savi, this was all just an erotic dream. But annoyingly for me. I really hate it when a TV programme does the whole 'it was only a dream' thing. Well at least this dream only lasted a minute or so.
Elizabeth Grey lets Karen know that her son, Sam, has dropped out of college. The kid is moving into his dad’s old apartment. I am not really sure why Elizabeth keeps going to see her dead husband's therapist? Doesn't quite seem realistic to me. However, this newsflash has Karen worried. What if she left something of hers behind? Karen sneaks into Thomas’s old apartment. While searching the place she remembers all of the good times she had there. We saw flash backs of the two of them together and again I stand by what I said in my review of the first episode. They definitely cast the wrong person as Thomas. Sorry John, I loved you in Smallville but you just don't suit this character.
Her trip down memory lane ends abruptly when Sam shows up. Karen is able to sneak out the door before he sees her. Unfortunately, she leaves her sunglasses behind. Of course she does. You could see that one coming. Shouldn't have gone there in the first place Karen.
Karen realises the reason she can’t sever ties with this family is because she’s not done with Thomas. Not quite sure what she expected when she started an affair with a married man who only had a few weeks to live.
April avoids calls from Miranda while trying deal with cute dad Richard’s snubbing of her. It’s understandable. April did stand the guy up twice. She tries to explain herself to Richard, who is surprised to learn that she’s a widow. He thought she was divorced. April really likes this guy, but he’s not showing any interest in her. I am not quite sure why she made up the stupid story that she did tell him about a 'man' turning up with a 'package' belonging to her ex husband. If things did work out with Richard she would have to tell him the truth eventually and then he will know that she lied. She may as well have told him the truth in the first place.
In other news, Savi wants to go on a romantic trip with Harry, but their financial situation makes that impossible. At work, she lets her boss know that Dominic is capable of handling their case on his own. Her plan backfires as the boss boots Dom off the case so Savi can fly solo.
This then brings us to the only time I have laughed in three episodes. At work while Josslyn, dressed inappropriately, is in the elevator where a young boy keeps looking at her legs and up her skirt.
Mother of boy: Get a longer skirt
Josslyn: Get a taller child
Josslyn’s real estate firm is bought out by a Frenchman named Olivier Dubois. The guy is not impressed with Josslyn. He lets Joss know that her clothes and attitude are not appropriate for the work place. This was never the case with her old boss. Joss believes there’s hope that her new boss isn’t gay when he invites her to dinner at a hotel. However, Olivier doesn’t have romance on his mind. He wants Joss to know that he’s redistributing her long list of accounts unless she can sell a bizarro house above the Sunset Strip. Joss decides to embrace the gaudiness of the place by throwing a trendy open house party. I personally didn't understand why they were making this house out to be so bad that no one would buy it. I personally loved it. It wasn't boring and was unquie.
Olivier lets Joss know that it’ll be all the easier to fire her if she doesn’t sell the house after this expensive bash on the company’s dime. April is shocked to see Richard at the party. Richard is a sportswriter. He’s there with his pal, Lamar Odom. Luckily I know who that is because I watched X Factor USA presented by Mario Lopez (loved saved by the bell) and Khloe Kardashian Odom, who is married to Lamar. However, that's as far as my knowledge of the subject goes. I have never seen Khloe in anything other than the X Factor and only know her husband's name because my partner told me, but I have no idea why he is famous. Anyway, it is completely irrelevant who he is anyway because we don't even see him. April just says "he looks like Lamar Odom" and apparently it was him. Completely pointless part of the story.
Richard also tells April that he’s also not interested in pursuing things with her. He finds her strikingly beautiful, but he also realises she has unresolved feeling regarding her dead husband. See April, you should have told him the truth, things may have worked out differently.
Karen invites her colleague, Jacob, to the party, Again, this is a pointless story because Karen rushes out when she gets a call from Sam. He’s in the hospital. It just makes you want to yell at the TV 'what are you doing'. I may not like the character of Savi very much but she was right when she told Karen to stay away.
Karen picks up Sam after a car accident where alcohol was involved. She learns he returned the pair of sunglasses he found at his dad’s place to his mum, who now knows her hubby was having an affair. You would have thought that Sam would have been more careful since he knew his dad was having an affair and that his mum didn't know.
Back at the party Joss lets Olivier know that she didn’t get an offer for the bizarro house. She got three. She informs her boss that she'll be taking back all her properties and she’ll be wearing whatever the hell she wants to work.
Savi finally makes up with April. That’s the good news. The bad news is that she hasn’t been feeling well lately. A positive home pregnancy test gives her an indication of why. Who saw that one coming?? Yep everyone.
Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 5 - Spoiler Alert
A Whole New Kind of Bitch
Wow! I seem to say that a lot after watching Ringer.
With a title like "A Whole New Kind of Bitch," though, I knew the episode would be good - but I never expected the ending and that's what makes this show so much fun.
But let's rewind to the beginning. It begins with Bridget, Andrew and Henry coming home from the Hamptons and wondering what happened to Gemma, who left the night before. We see a flash black of Bridget telling Gemma that she is Bridget and not Siobhan and we see the rest of the conversation. Gemma doesn't believe Bridget and leaves because she thinks that Bridget slept with her husband.
When Henry arrives home he finds Gemma there. She is watching old videos of the four of them and sees how Siobhan and Henry look at each other and its obvious that there is something going on with them. But more importantly (to the viewers not to Gemma) she sees a scar on Siobhan's arm and goes to see if Bridget has the scar. Obviously she doesn't and Gemma has no choice other than to believe Bridget's story. She fills Gemma in on the whole story.
There was one small detail that bothered me. Gemma noticed that Bridget lacked the burn scar on her wrist that Siobhan would have had. Wouldn't Andrew notice the same thing and maybe even Henry? The only explanation I could come up with was that it was something recent and Gemma was there when she got the burn. Being that Siobhan and Andrew were on the outs, perhaps he never noticed it in the first place.
None of the characters on Ringer are saints, that's for sure. That's also increasingly entertaining. Gemma tells Bridget she'll only keep her secret if she sleeps with Henry. Gemma wants pictures so she'll get everything in the divorce including the kids.
Gemma found out Henry had an affair with Siobhan. That would be shocking enough, but then to find out Siobhan isn't Siobhan? That would send anyone's head spinning. Instead of coming clean with everyone and exposing Bridget, she decided to blackmail her instead.
Gemma was hurt and angry. That video of Henry and Siobhan clinking champagne glasses behind their spouses backs would have infuriated me, too. She's been betrayed by her husband and best friend but forcing Bridget to sleep with Henry was a little sickening. Surely there was another way of getting proof? But then I guess that would have been boring.
On the home front, Andrew threatened to send Juliet to public school. Gasp! I guess the teen would be horrified. Although I can't see why he thinks she wont get into as much trouble in public school compared to private. Kids never get into trouble in public school do they? But I guess it is at least a punishment.
Andrew and Juliet argue about Siobhan again and Juliet admits that the reason why she doesn't like Siobhan is because 'she sleeps with married men'. My first thought was that Juliet knows about Siobhan and Henry but as usual I got that completely wrong. She was referring to Siobhan sleeping with her dad while he was still married to her mum.
Andrew and Bridget (as Siobhan) go to a night club to get Juliet and Bridget apologises and tries to make amends with the girl.
At least now we found out why Juliet hates Siobhan so much. She blames her for the breakup of her parents' marriage. Thankfully, Bridget did the right thing and took the blame. She could use Juliet as an ally and if she makes headway with the girl, Andrew will only love her more.
Macawi continues to pump Malcolm full of drugs to try and get him to contact Bridget. I felt bad for Malcolm's predicament. It's never fun to watch someone being tortured but I wish I felt more of a connection to the character. Whether Malcolm lives or dies really doesn't matter to me as we've never gotten to know him.
Bridget starts confiding in a new sponsor, Charlie, at a narcotics anonymous meeting. Trying to explain the Gemma / Henry / Andrew situation without giving anything in particular away. Charlie told her to do whatever it takes to keep herself clean.
Bridget (as Siobhan) goes to meet Henry and for a moment I thought that she was going to go through with it and sleep with him. However, she tells Henry that Gemma knows about the affair and that she's looking to set him up. He's furious. When Bridget refuses to set up Henry, Gemma calls Andrew and says she needs to see him. Andrew goes to her home but Henry says she isn't there and won't let him in.
We then see Henry cleaning a blood stain off the wall.
What did Henry do?!? When Andrew showed up at his door and Henry had that wild look in his eyes, you knew something was horribly wrong.
This show did such a great job of maintaining the mystery. There was obviously a fight. A bad one. Broken glass on the floor and blood on the wall said nothing good happened here. But where was Gemma? We didn't see her body. Is she dead or alive?
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Mistresses - US TV Series Review - Series 1, Episode 2 - Spoiler Alert
Okay, I decided to give Mistresses another chance but I am still not sure if this is the TV show for me. So far there is only one character (out of the 4) that I like and so far it is only her storyline that I have been interested in. However, here is my review of episode 2.
Savi is feeling the aftershocks of cheating on her husband, which did turn out to be a one off and not some ongoing affair. I can't believe how quickly and easily she managed to cheat on her husband but I guess I should keep reminding myself of the name of the show and stop being shocked and so disapproving. Savi is in no mood for wild club tales from Josslyn, who is walking around in her Thor’s sister outfit. Apparently, it’s very hard to dance with hammer in hand.
Karen advises Savi to take a beat before going forward with her plan to tell Harry that she was unfaithful. She wants her to be sure this won’t happen again. As for Harry, Josslyn gives him advice on how to make things right with her sister. He needs to make an effort to talk with her. No really? Apparently he needs Josslyn to state the obvious.
Savi lets Dominic know that what happened between them was a mistake. She loves her husband. Dominic respects that, but he also reminds Savi that she’s the one who kissed him first. There’s tension in the office when Harry shows up to apologise. He lets his wife know that their fertility issues aren’t as dire as he thought. They can keep trying. Savi can’t deal with this at the moment. She has a meeting with Elizabeth Grey, who is being hassled by an insurance investigator regarding her husband’s death. That same investigator also questions Karen about her deceased patient.
April (this is the only character that I like so far) clues in her friends about the news that her deceased husband, Paul, may have had a baby with another woman. There’s a chance this Miranda woman is running a scam, since Savi points out that she only started contacting April after she received her husband's life insurance, but Paul (the dead husband) used to stay at the Orlando hotel where she works.
April can’t understand how someone would cheat. That’s why she’s furious at Savi when she learns that she’s a cheater, too. April does a stakeout on Miranda’s motel. She sees her loading her son into a yellow SUV, but doesn’t approach her. She later finds an auto dealer’s business card amongst her hubby’s things. A call to the place reveals that Paul purchased the yellow SUV.
Karen is doing her best to avoid Sam Grey. Her colleague, Jacob, advises her to deal with her problem head on. Karen meets with Sam. She feels it’s harmless since the kid is going back to school soon. They have a pleasant conversation that ends after Sam accidentally spills water on Karen’s dress. Oops! Sam shows up at the office offering to pay for the dry cleaning. Karen goes off on him. She makes it clear that she doesn’t want to see him again. A dejected Sam says “no problem” before exiting out the door.
Josslyn makes lunch plans with Alex, who is one half of the lesbian couple she’s been showing houses to lately. They chat about their very different takes on relationships. Josslyn convinces Alex to check out a great house without her significant other. The two ladies do a little snooping while in the place to find a kinky Japanese bondage rope. Naturally, they decide to take for a little fully-clothed test drive. How unrealistic?? Surely no one in the real world would do such a thing with their own real estate agent? But then the one I used to work for didn't look like Joss.
Josslyn then uses the rope in a more naked manner on a guy when she gets home, but her experiment gets put on pause when Alex calls. The two ladies chat while Josslyn’s bound-up bed buddy looks on in disbelief. Again, surely this isn't realistic? She must really want to sell Alex a house. I guess no one will be surprised if something happens between Josslyn and Alex later on down the line.
April learns that Miranda wants money from her. She wants her son to have the same kind of life her former lover’s legitimate daughter has. I personally would tell her to go to hell.
April confides in Karen because she’s still angry at Savi. Both ladies have conflicted feelings of how they should be grieving. As for Savi, she has a heart-to-heart with Harry. It’s all about putting their plans to have a baby on hold. Savi doesn’t mention Dominic, who happens to be the incoming caller on her cell phone. She ignores the call choosing to make love to her husband instead.
Like I have said I don't think this is the show for me but I will probably stick with it for a little while longer to see how it goes.
Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 4 - Spoiler Alert
It's Gonna Kill Me But I'll Do It
Wow! I really never saw that coming. Not this soon. Episode 4 'It's Gonna Kill Me But I'll Do It' let one of Ringer's biggest secrets out of the bag and I couldn't be more shocked or delighted.
But let's review the rest of the episode and save the best for last.
Even though the end of the episode was a big shock the beginning of the episode started with something I really hate when it comes to TV shows / films.
It begins with Andrew calling Bridget by her real name and asking when she has done with Siobhan. Yes to begin with I was really shocked and pretty much on the edge of my seat. However, as Bridget tries to explain and apologise Andrew says it isn't him she should be apologising too. Then a dead Siobhan, yes dead (see picture below), walks in. Bridget then wakes up. Yes it was all a dream. I really hate it when people do that. But I suppose at least the dream only lasted a couple of minutes, unlike TV programmes where the person wakes up at the end of the episode and the whole episode was a dream.
Anyway, moving on Andrew then starts to talk about Siobhan and what to do for her birthday. Bridget then says that she forgot about her birthday. Umm HELLO you are twins! Siobhan's birthday is your birthday! You could understand her forgetting if they had different birthdays but the don't?
Anyway, moving on again .... In Paris, Siobhan manipulates Tyler into paying for her hotel room when her money runs out. Then she steals papers from his briefcase concerning Andrew's accounts. I am glad I watched this episode twice because I missed that the first time round. Dam rubbish eyesight (but don't get me started on that).
Speaking of Siobhan, she seemed to have men falling all over her. First Andrew, then Henry, now Tyler, who literally got shoved out of her bed and still came back for more. So, was Siobhan simply searching to steal funds or was she out to destroy Andrew? Time will tell.
Bridget (as Siobhan), Andrew, Henry, and Gemma head to the Hamptons for her birthday. Bridget grieves for her sister on their birthday and we see some flash backs.
The birthday necklace was a sweet way to give us a glimpse into Bridget and Siobhan's childhood, along with another look at their falling out. Siobhan was furious with her sister and looking to move on when she met Andrew. It appeared she had started to soften towards her sibling but maybe not since she seems to be actively trying to kill her now.
Agent Machado retrieves a Coast Guard recording of Bridget calling for help for her sister. He assumes it's Siobhan calling about Bridget and goes to the Hamptons to confront her.
Agent Machado finds Gemma in town and shows her a photo of Bridget Kelly and obviously Gemma had no idea that Bridget even existed. Well she does now. Bridget (as Siobhan) is then forced to explain the Bridget situation to Gemma.
Did anyone else find Agent Machado's ability to pop into a room a little creepy? Was it his FBI training that allowed him to sneak up on people like that? It was rather disconcerting but I'm guessing Bridget found his recording more of an issue. Thankfully for her, he interpreted it wrong. He thought that Siobhan was calling about Bridget, not the other way around. I do find it funny when he feels pleased with himself, assuming he has figured something out. I just sit there smiling to myself thinking 'close but completely wrong'.
Of course, once he figures out the truth, our mystery may be over... and who wants that?!?
Henry still wants to renew their affair but Bridget puts off his advances. A part of me wants to just tell him to get the hint and move on because he is embarrassing himself but then I guess that will be too easy. He says he'll back off if that's what she really wants but believes the baby is his. Gemma overhears their conversation (of course she does) cue one of many EastEnders duff duff moments.
Henry really wasn't getting the message and I almost felt sorry for the poor sap. Yes, your married lover has gone back to her husband now that she's pregnant. As a writer, you'd think that storyline would be something he'd understand. Then again, writing it and living it are two different things.
We saw some flash backs of Henry and Siobhan's affair as well which included the birthday necklace, again nice to see some more of the back story.
Given all of their incredibly compromising conversations with Andrew and Gemma in the same house, you'd think the adulterous couple would have the common sense to close a door. Someone overhearing was really just a matter of time... yet I still didn't expect it when Gemma heard all of their sordid details.
The poor woman looked like she'd just gotten hit with something. The whole thing must have seemed surreal. Her entire reality turned upside down as she sat at this lovely party and the truth sunk in that her husband's lover was her pregnant best friend. Talk about feeling sucker punched.
When Gemma threatens to tell Andrew, Bridget admits to her that she's not the real Siobhan, she is Bridget. Wow God knows what is going through Gemma's head now, she only found out about Bridget a few hours before and now this.
I don't know what I expected Bridget to do when Gemma threatened to tell Andrew but it certainly wasn't that. How do you explain that you took your sister's identity and have it go well?
I have no idea where Ringer goes with this, but I can't wait for next week to find out. And that should be the goal of every episode.
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 3 - Spoiler Alert
If You Ever Want a French Lesson
Siobhan meets Tyler Barrett, an international banker in Paris. She begins an affair but kicks him out when she becomes nauseous. She takes a pregnancy test and calls Henry but only listens to his voice over the phone.
Watching Ringer is like playing a game of musical identities. Half the fun of this mystery is trying to figure out who will lose their seat in the game first. Like I said above, we start off with Siobhan, who has assumed a new identity. As Cora Farrell, she picks up Tyler at a bar, telling the international banker to meet her at her hotel "If You Ever Want a French Lesson." But poor Tyler doesn't get very far. Things were looking rather promising until suddenly Siobhan was and shoving him off the bed and out the door.
At first, I'm thinking perhaps she's having second thoughts. Not quite. Siobhan's nauseous and that's when it hits me. Siobhan doesn't know that she's pregnant. That's what makes this show so interesting. Trying to remember who knows what about whom takes all of my attention.
The most telling part is what Siobhan does as she holds the positive pregnancy test. She calls Henry and simply listens to his voice. Obviously this isn't news to us because we found out that she was pregnant in episode 1. But it was Henry she called and she seemed genuinely upset and it appears that she does care for him, so it appears that Siobhan believes that the baby is Henry's and not Andrews.
Back in New York Bridget isn't pregnant but everyone thinks she is, that will certainly come back to bite Bridget at some point. I keep waiting for her to address that issue but I guess having armed assassins after her is a bit more pressing.
Malcolm is kidnapped, beaten, and pumped full of drugs by the people looking for Bridget. He must really care about Bridget because he goes through a lot and still doesn't tell them anything.
Henry tries to cash out funds from Andrew's firm without telling Gemma. Andrew's partner makes sure Gemma finds out. It appears she likes to cause problems for everyone. She does mention wanting to get Gemma's dad as a client because he is rich but with everything else that is going on I didn't really care about this and didn't think it was necessary. Maybe it will develop into something more interesting later.
Bridget finds paperwork that leads her to a divorce attorney Siobhan had visited. They thought that Andrew was hiding assets from her. When Bridget tries to investigate, Andrew catches her. Someone saw her at the divorce attorney's and told Andrew. He's hurt and angry. He thought their marriage had gotten better. Bridget goes to see the property 227 Pratt Street that she thought Andrew was hiding from her, again this bit seemed a bit pointless but who knows, after all this is Ringer.
So... do you think Andrew is really hiding something from her when it comes to the building at 227 Pratt? Everyone is keeping so many secrets it's hard to tell.
As Bridget tries to get information off of the dead man's cell phone, it rings. The voice on the other end tells her to hand over the phone and she won't be harmed. Bridget keeps the phone and calls Agent Machado. She pretends to be Siobhan asking about Bridget but it's enough so that the bad guys think she's speaking to the FBI. She tells the man on the phone that if anything happens to her, the FBI gets the phone.
Taking the phone back from the bench is a gutsy move on Bridget's part, but she must figure that phone is her only leverage with whoever is after her.
Bridget apologizes to Andrew and they decide to work on their marriage. Her apology at the end was heartfelt. I believe she has really grown to care for Andrew and she'd like to make it work, but it's unclear if Bridget is thinking in the moment or long term.
Friday, 2 August 2013
Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 2 - Spoiler Alert
She's Ruining Everything
Bridget leaves Malcolm a voicemail saying that she shot and killed a man (in self defence) because he was trying to kill her (Siobhan). Yes I know what you are thinking, if you do ever kill someone the last thing you do is confess on someone's voicemail. But luckily Bridget deleted that message to Malcolm. Confessing to a murder via voicemail is never a a smart idea. I'd ask what she was thinking, but given that she just shot and killed her attacker, who at first she thought was trying to kill her but then found out he was trying to kill Siobhan I'll give her this moment of stupidity.
She then has to try to hide the body. It was pretty funny watching poor petite Bridget drag that body across the floor, leaving a huge blood smear across the concrete. I hope she bought the value size bottle of bleach. After a few close calls of the body being discovered, first by Gemma, then by Agent Machado and then by about 20 workers that Andrew has hired to organsise a party in the loft Bridget finally hides the body in a steamer trunk. Yes it was one problem after another again, it seems like this is going to be typical of Ringer but it ensures that there is never a dull moment.
However, I was disappointed that we didn't get to see her try and haul that 200-plus pound body into the trunk. Now that could have been entertaining. Even though, I have to admit, that I did think to myself, Buffy could do it. This is only episode 2 and I still think of Buffy whenever any sort of strength or fighting is involved, but any other time I do not compare Sarah Michelle Gellar's characters to Buffy.
In between hiding the body in different places and almost getting caught, not knowing what to do with the body, Bridget plans to run to Malcolm. She finds that Siobhan had a secret emergency bank account and she withdrawals the cash and closes the account. But when Andrew informs her about the party in the loft she realises she has to stay a bit longer to ensure that the body stays hidden.
Gemma continues to search for the woman her husband is having an affair with.
Agent Machado crashes the party at the loft to question Siobhan about Bridget but she tells him nothing.
Bridget spends the whole party ensure that the body in the truck is not discovered.
And why would Andrew think the loft was the perfect place for a party? I suppose he was in a bind, but the place was a construction zone. Little did he know about the added bonus of a decomposing body in the corner.
The body in the trunk was a nice touch during the party scene, but eventually it's going to start to smell. And it was certainly disconcerting having Agent Machado walk up as Bridget was moping up a dead man's blood.
During a speech that Andrew is giving to his party guests a phone starts ringing, and people quickly realise that it is coming from the truck, of course it is. Luckily Bridget gets to the truck and phone before anyone else, but someone is watching her.
After the party Bridget grows closer to Andrew but she is still planning on running off to Malcolm. As she is trying to sneak out she finds Juliet throwing up in the bathroom because she took something at a party and didn't know what is was. Its a lovely scene and it appears that Siobhan and Juliet may start getting alone as Juliet asks Siobhan to stay with her. In flashbacks we see that years ago a fed up Siobhan frequently helped a drunk Bridget. Bridget stays and leaves Malcolm a voicemail.
The flashbacks were obviously meant to give us some insight into Bridget's past but I found Siobhan's scene the most interesting. She was fed up with her sister, yet wasn't nearly as cold and certainly didn't have the money she has now. Perhaps both came with her marriage.
Slowly, Bridget's going to care more and more about her new "family" and that will make things even more complicated. Heck, it already has. And at some point she'll have to deal with the fact that she isn't actually pregnant. I'm looking forward to her dealing with that twist.
When Malcolm is listening to the voicemail we see that the man Bridget was suppose to testify against is following him.
In Paris, Siobhan tries to cash out her emergency fund only to find the money gone. She makes a phone call to someone and tells them, "She's ruining everything."
So we got another look at Siobhan in Paris. Tough break when your doppelgänger sister steals your secret stash. Was Siobhan's plan to kill her sibling and make the world believe she was dead, therefore having a clean slate with which to start over? If so, what was so horrible with her life that a nice divorce settlement wouldn't cure?
When Bridget goes back to the loft to, I assume, move the body again, although I am not quite sure what she was planning on doing with it, she discovers that the body is gone. Who saw that coming? My other half did and was waiting the whole episode for it to happen.
Ringer, has again left us with more questions than answers but that's the fun of this show. I'm looking forward to seeing where this mystery leads next.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 1 - Spoiler Alert
If you like Sarah Michelle Gellar then I would say that you would definitely like this programme because there are two of them!
Sarah plays twins Bridget Kelly and Siobhan Martin.
I saw it advertising last year on Sky and I was really excited about watching it but some how I managed to miss the first episode so I started watching it on demand but after watching just 2 episodes Sky deleted it from on demand. I wasn't impressed and spend the next year searching the Sky TV guide for it in the hope that it would come back on and a few weeks ago it did, so YAY!
They put either 2 or 3 episodes on a week so I don't have to wait long and I am already up to episode 10 without writing any reviews. But last night I convinced my other half to watch it with me so I have just watched the Pilot again. My other half joked that every end of part ends on an 'EastEnders duff duff' and it does and so does the end of each episode.
So this here is my review of the Pilot Episode.
The episode begins with Sarah Michelle Gellar getting chased and then attacked in a large building. When her attacker catches her and wrestles her to the ground she shouts out 'You've got the wrong girl'.
I found myself willing her to do some sort of 'Buffy move' and put him in his place but obviously she doesn't. However, she plays the roles of both twins extremely well I soon stopped comparing her to Buffy and even forgot she was.
The story then goes back to 9 days before and we see Bridget Kelly at an AA meeting.
Bridget Kelly a newly sober exotic dancer is about to testify as the sole witness in a murder trial. Fearing for her safety she ditches her FBI handlers, steals one of their guns and sneaks off to reconnect with her twin sister Siobhan.
We discover that Bridget and Siobhan haven't spoken in over 6 years and it is implied that it was because of Bridget's drug problem. Bridget then mentions someone called Sean, but Siobhan doesn't want to talk about him. Later on Bridget finds a photo of Sean (a young boy) and Siobhan. No one else mentions Sean so I am assuming that he was Siobhan's son who ended up dead because of Bridget. However, this hasn't been confirmed yet, just implied.
Siobhan informs Bridget that her husband of 5 years, Andrew, doesn't know that she has a twin sister. I kind of wanted him to walk in and see the two of them but that didn't happen. If it did then it would have ruined the whole series, but it would have been funny.
Siobhan takes Bridget out on her boat and Bridget falls asleep. When Bridget wakes up, Siobhan has disappeared but left her wedding ring behind in an empty pill bottle. Bridget assumes that Siobhan has committed suicide.
We then fast forward a few days and Bridget’s on the phone, confessing to Malcolm. “I saw a way out and I took it,” Bridget says.
Apparently, when she couldn’t find Siobhan (or her body), Bridget didn’t call the cops instead, she assumed her sister’s identity. She heads back to her sister’s summer mansion where she changes into her sister’s clothes, puts on Siobhan’s wedding ring, and pulls her hair back up into a socialite’s bun.
She locks her belongings up in a locker at the bus station and then heads in to Manhattan as the new Mrs. Siobhan Martin.
As Bridget slips into her sister’s Park Avenue life, we discover that she may have exchanged her mob boss woes for her sister’s even messier problems.
Turns out, Siobhan was not a nice woman. She was an ice queen to her husband, Andrew Martin, and Siobhan and her stepdaughter, Juliet hate each other.
When Bridget is on the phone to her sponsor Malcolm she sees an unknown man watching her.
When her “husband” returning from a two-week business trip he finds his wife thinner and nicer than he ever remembered and Bridget begins to realise that the marriage might not be perfect.
The next day she gets a phone call from Siobhan's best mate Gemma because she didn't turn up for their meeting. When they do meet up Gemma tells her that she thinks her husband is having an affair. I could kind of see where this was going.
That night Bridget and Andrew go to a fund raiser together and they seem to be getting on much better. However, Bridget then sees the same guy that was watching her earlier. When they are alone this mystery guy kisses her. It turns out to be Henry, Gemma's husband and yes Siobhan was having an affair with her best mate's husband.
When they get home Andrew starts being cold to her again and she asks what is wrong, since they were getting on so well at the fund raiser. He 'reminded' her that it was all an act and it was her game and that he was just playing by her rules. She replies by saying that she wants to be nice for real and stop playing games. Andrew says that will be great but he doesn't believe it.
Now that she’s stepped into Siobhan’s shoes, Bridget can’t just walk away. So she tries to make things better. She makes nice with Andrew, ends the affair with Henry and lamely consoles Gemma by suggesting that Henry could be sleeping with their nanny.
But then Agent Machado shows up looking for his runaway. Bridget thinks that she has been found but Agent Machado assumes that she is Siobhan and explains the situation with Bridget and says they are looking for her and she could be in danger.
Next Bridget finds out Siobhan was pregnant and doesn't know which one could be the father and to make things worse Andrew over hears her on the phone to her doctor so he knows about the pregnancy and tells Henry and Gemma. Henry knows the baby is probably his and tells Siobhan (Bridget) to choose between him and Andrew, she chooses Andrew.
While Bridget tries to get rid of the gun she stole from her former police bodyguard, Machado is busy meeting with Hampton police who have found her driver’s license and clothes in the bus station locker. Along with a letter from Siobhan. Now he knows that 'Siobhan' lied about seeing her sister.
Meanwhile Gemma’s busy uncovering—or so she thinks—the identity of her husband’s mistress. She leaves Siobhan a message asking her to meet her at the loft in an hour.
This brings us back, full circle, to that moment at the beginning of the show. We now know that the blonde cowering in the loft is Bridget, pretending to be Siobhan and like I said, somehow, we are hoping she somehow 'Buffy' kicks her attacker’s butt.
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