Sunday, 11 August 2013

Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 5 - Spoiler Alert

A Whole New Kind of Bitch 

Wow! I seem to say that a lot after watching Ringer.

With a title like "A Whole New Kind of Bitch," though, I knew the episode would be good -  but I never expected the ending and that's what makes this show so much fun.

But let's rewind to the beginning. It begins with Bridget, Andrew and Henry coming home from the Hamptons and wondering what happened to Gemma, who left the night before. We see a flash black of Bridget telling Gemma that she is Bridget and not Siobhan and we see the rest of the conversation. Gemma doesn't believe Bridget and leaves because she thinks that Bridget slept with her husband. 

When Henry arrives home he finds Gemma there. She is watching old videos of the four of them and sees how Siobhan and Henry look at each other and its obvious that there is something going on with them. But more importantly (to the viewers not to Gemma) she sees a scar on Siobhan's arm and goes to see if Bridget has the scar. Obviously she doesn't and Gemma has no choice other than to believe Bridget's story. She fills Gemma in on the whole story.  

There was one small detail that bothered me. Gemma noticed that Bridget lacked the burn scar on her wrist that Siobhan would have had. Wouldn't Andrew notice the same thing and maybe even Henry? The only explanation I could come up with was that it was something recent and Gemma was there when she got the burn. Being that Siobhan and Andrew were on the outs, perhaps he never noticed it in the first place. 

None of the characters on Ringer are saints, that's for sure. That's also increasingly entertaining. Gemma tells Bridget she'll only keep her secret if she sleeps with Henry. Gemma wants pictures so she'll get everything in the divorce including the kids.

Gemma found out Henry had an affair with Siobhan. That would be shocking enough, but then to find out Siobhan isn't Siobhan? That would send anyone's head spinning. Instead of coming clean with everyone and exposing Bridget, she decided to blackmail her instead.
Gemma was hurt and angry. That video of Henry and Siobhan clinking champagne glasses behind their spouses backs would have infuriated me, too. She's been betrayed by her husband and best friend but forcing Bridget to sleep with Henry was a little sickening. Surely there was another way of getting proof? But then I guess that would have been boring.

On the home front, Andrew threatened to send Juliet to public school. Gasp! I guess the teen would be horrified. Although I can't see why he thinks she wont get into as much trouble in public school compared to private. Kids never get into trouble in public school do they? But I guess it is at least a punishment. 

Andrew and Juliet argue about Siobhan again and Juliet admits that the reason why she doesn't like Siobhan is because 'she sleeps with married men'. My first thought was that Juliet knows about Siobhan and Henry but as usual I got that completely wrong. She was referring to Siobhan sleeping with her dad while he was still married to her mum. 

Andrew and Bridget (as Siobhan) go to a night club to get Juliet and Bridget apologises and tries to make amends with the girl.

At least now we found out why Juliet hates Siobhan so much. She blames her for the breakup of her parents' marriage. Thankfully, Bridget did the right thing and took the blame. She could use Juliet as an ally and if she makes headway with the girl, Andrew will only love her more.

Macawi continues to pump Malcolm full of drugs to try and get him to contact Bridget. I felt bad for Malcolm's predicament. It's never fun to watch someone being tortured but I wish I felt more of a connection to the character. Whether Malcolm lives or dies really doesn't matter to me as we've never gotten to know him.

Bridget starts confiding in a new sponsor, Charlie, at a narcotics anonymous meeting. Trying to explain the Gemma / Henry / Andrew situation without giving anything in particular away. Charlie told her to do whatever it takes to keep herself clean.

Bridget (as Siobhan) goes to meet Henry and for a moment I thought that she was going to go through with it and sleep with him. However, she tells Henry that Gemma knows about the affair and that she's looking to set him up. He's furious. When Bridget refuses to set up Henry, Gemma calls Andrew and says she needs to see him. Andrew goes to her home but Henry says she isn't there and won't let him in.

We then see Henry cleaning a blood stain off the wall.

What did Henry do?!? When Andrew showed up at his door and Henry had that wild look in his eyes, you knew something was horribly wrong.

This show did such a great job of maintaining the mystery. There was obviously a fight. A bad one. Broken glass on the floor and blood on the wall said nothing good happened here. But where was Gemma? We didn't see her body. Is she dead or alive?

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