Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Ringer (US TV Series) Review - Season 1 Episode 8 - Spoiler Alert

Maybe We Can Get a Dog Instead?

Okay, after last week's episode I had a theory about Bridget being pregnant with Malcolm's baby but once I saw the title of episode 8 I knew that wouldn't be the case. 'Maybe We Can Get a Dog Instead' that is obviously something someone would say when they found out that they wouldn't be getting a baby. My money is was on Juliet saying it and I was right.

The ultrasound shows Bridget isn't pregnant. The doctor assumes it was an ectopic pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage. Andrew is upset and even Juliet is sympathetic while Bridget hides her relief.

Henry admits he'd hoped the baby would give him a second chance with Siobhan. Now he's done.

Angry, hurt, confused. That describes all of the men of Ringer this week. Bridget and Siobhan had the boys spinning out of control.
Dodging a bullet. That was exactly what Bridget did with that ultrasound. When the doctor wrote it off as an early miscarriage, Bridget could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for the other people in her life. Granted, Juliet wasn't heartbroken but she was sad. There's something missing from their lives and she was hoping the baby could fill that gap. "Maybe We Can Get a Dog Instead?" No one could say Juliet wasn't flexible.

The two men in Bridget's life took the news hard. Henry finally gave up on Siobhan when his hope for a second chance died with the supposed baby. But Andrew wanted to try again. Wouldn't it be interesting if Bridget said yes? That would be quite the complication if/when the truth comes out. However, for the time being she doesn't want to try again.

Tyler (the real Siobhan's boyfriend) flies to New York for a meeting with Andrew. He sees Bridget and is furious. He mistakes her for Cora (aka Siobhan) and thinks she's playing him. He breaks up with Cora (Siobhan) over the phone and kicks her out of his hotel. This completely messes up Siobhan's plan (whatever that actually is). She wasn't expecting Tyler to bump into Bridget. Are you managing to keep up with everyone's name and who they are pretending to be? Bridget / Siobhan and Siobhan / Cora.

Mistaken identity gone sideways. I never saw that one coming. I guessed that Tyler had some connection to Andrew, since he has papers with Andrew's company's name on, and this was why Siobhan was cozying up to him but who thought that that connection would run him straight into Bridget? However, he didn't realise that there was two of them. He had just left Siobhan (Cora) in Paris and bumped into Bridget in New York and assumed that they were the same person. But I guess you can't really blame him for that.

So Tyler believed that his new girlfriend was jumping back and forth between continents to sleep with him. If the twins weren't dead ringers for one another I'd say he thought an awful lot of himself. I suppose there are only so many explanations and the truth wouldn't be the first thing one would think of.

Machado has Bridget wear a wire and meet with Malcolm but she manages to warn Malcolm and Machado learns nothing.

Malcolm can't control his need for heroin and asks Bridget for help.  She brings him to Charlie, her new sponsor and Siobhan's right hand man.

Malcolm can't win. It looked like Malcolm was sticking around and he needed help. Unfortunately, Bridget's help could bring them both down. She just introduced the junkie who knows all of her secrets to her new sponsor and Siobhan's right hand man. What could go wrong?

I have to say that Andrew was very understanding about Malcolm. At heart, Andrew seems like a good guy. So what deep dark secrets does he hide that sent Siobhan running to another continent? The more we see of Andrew the more he appears to be a nice guy. So far I haven't even thought of a theory as to why Siobhan had an affair with Henry and then left both of them for Paris and went to so much trouble to cover her tracks.

Juliet has a crush on her teacher. Of course she does and we all know that this is going to end badly.

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